The International Day of Happiness: Actress Shivangi Verma on Cultivating True Happiness

The International Day of Happiness: Actress Shivangi Verma Says Happiness is a Feeling, a State of Mind

Every year on March 20th, the world comes together to celebrate the International Day of Happiness. This day is dedicated to recognizing the importance of happiness in our lives and promoting the idea that happiness is a fundamental human right. In honor of this special day, we had the opportunity to speak with actress Shivangi Verma about her thoughts on happiness and how she cultivates it in her own life.

Discovering the True Meaning of Happiness

For Shivangi Verma, happiness is not just a fleeting emotion but a deeper state of being. She believes that true happiness comes from within and is not dependent on external circumstances. “Happiness is a feeling that arises from a state of mind,” she says. “It’s about finding contentment and peace within ourselves, regardless of what’s happening around us.”

Shivangi emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and self-awareness in the pursuit of happiness. “We need to take the time to understand ourselves, our values, and what truly brings us joy,” she explains. “Once we have that clarity, we can make choices and create a life that aligns with our authentic selves.”

Cultivating Happiness in Daily Life

When it comes to cultivating happiness in her daily life, Shivangi Verma follows a few simple but powerful practices. One of her key strategies is practicing gratitude. “I make it a habit to express gratitude for the blessings in my life,” she shares. “Even in challenging times, there is always something to be grateful for.”

Shivangi also believes in the power of mindfulness. “Being present in the moment and fully engaging with whatever I’m doing helps me find joy in the simplest of things,” she says. Whether it’s savoring a cup of tea, taking a walk in nature, or spending quality time with loved ones, Shivangi makes a conscious effort to be fully present and appreciate the beauty of each experience.

In addition to gratitude and mindfulness, Shivangi Verma emphasizes the importance of self-care. “Taking care of ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally is essential for our overall well-being,” she explains. “This includes getting enough rest, eating nourishing foods, engaging in activities that bring us joy, and seeking support when needed.”

Spreading Happiness to Others

As an actress, Shivangi Verma has a platform to inspire and uplift others. She believes in using her influence to spread happiness and positivity. “I try to bring joy to others through my work and by sharing messages of hope and resilience,” she says. “Even a small act of kindness or a genuine smile can make a difference in someone’s day.”

Shivangi also believes in the power of community and connection. “We are all interconnected, and by supporting and uplifting each other, we can create a ripple effect of happiness,” she explains. Whether it’s through volunteering, supporting charitable causes, or simply being there for a friend in need, Shivangi encourages everyone to find ways to contribute to the happiness of others.


On the International Day of Happiness, it’s important to remember that happiness is not just a fleeting emotion but a state of mind that can be cultivated and shared. Actress Shivangi Verma reminds us that true happiness comes from within and is not dependent on external circumstances. By practicing gratitude, mindfulness, and self-care, we can nurture our own happiness and spread joy to others. So, let’s celebrate this day by embracing the power of happiness and making a positive difference in the world.

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